Category: Think-Film Impact Production

Cyrus Engerer

Almost 2% of the world’s population are born with intersex traits, yet most people don’t know that intersex exists or what life as an intersex person is like. Join us tonight in an event I’m organising together with @helenadalli & @thinkfilmimpact

Think-Film Impact Production

“Who I Am Not” lead Dimakatso Sebidi will be speaking at the LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Conference at #EuroPride2023 in Valletta, sharing their experience living as an #intersex person. #invisiblei #WhoIAmNot

OII Europe

At #EuroPride2023 the film ”Who I Am Not” will be shown. It’s an intimate portrait of the lives of two #intersex South Africans and the challenges they face navigating binary sex & gender systems. 📽️Trailer: @thinkfilmimpact @TundeSkovran

Think-Film Impact Production

Film protagonist and intersex activist Dimakatso Sebidi speaks at the Valletta #Europride Human Rights Conference, saying ”I’m not here to change anything but because I am here there are lots of things I’m going to change.” #prideandcourage

Think-Film Impact Production

We are so excited that #WhoIAmNot is taking part in #EuroPride2023. Huge thank you to @pridelife for featuring us in the official #pridelifemagazine and for supporting this incredible film! Check out page 92 in the magazine here: